
Deployed’s presignature®️ methodology brings your requestors, project managers, service providers, and approvers together and aligns them to the same goal.

Projects fail during preparation

Bad decisions and bad documents; the wrong type of supplier with the wrong pricing model.

50% of projects fail and at least 20% of portfolio spend is simply wasted. There must be a better way.

"Quietly but powerfully, projects have displaced operations as the economic engine of our times. The value of project-oriented economic activity… is over $20 trillion per year."

Harvard Business Review

Digitise the intake and writing of important business documents.

You're currently writing all your important services contracts in Word.

Intake & Triage

A front door for all services procurement and external talent requests.

AI Drafting

A writing platform that uses AI to help you draft the right brief or statement of work.


Documents that used to be uploaded and re-keyed, now integrate into all your systems.

Integrations to management platforms.

You're currently writing all your important services contracts in Word.
Directly integrate Deployed and enhance your management platforms.

Decision Automation

Make great decisions

Support requestors with automation to choose and understand whether talent or services is the right choice.

With Deployed
Without Deployed

Accurate classification of requirements

Automated decision making

Most productive fulfilment channel

Misclassification of demand

Incorrect interpretation of policy

Increased costs of delivery

Document Automation

Use AI write like the best

Every person in your company is an author of scope, and so are the thousands of service providers who are writing on your behalf.

With Deployed
Without Deployed

Accurate scoping and services

Standardised models of delivery

Services always in line with policy

Scope creep and missed goals

Limited standardisation of services

Risk from non-compliance


Integrate into all your platforms.

Stop uploading and re-typing Word documents into your contract, vendor, sourcing, workforce platforms. Write in one place, and connect universally to your tech stack.

With Deployed
Without Deployed

One click integrations into multiple platforms

Create pipeline and demand understanding

Better reporting from your existing platforms.

No shareable data that you can learn from

Delays and cost of inaccuracies from re-keying

Higher costs of delivery